Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Salvation Reform Ministry on the You Tube Horizon

Four thousand pulpits shutting down, turning off microphones every year.  A documented 1500 pastors abandoning US ministries each month because of "moral failure, spiritual burnout or contention" that has not been healed with music filtered prayer services.  2.7 million "flock" members lapsing into dangerous inactivity annually.  Church buildings operating at only 40% capacity.  A per capita deficit of 38,000 sanctuaries in the United States.  Yet, it is multi billion dollar Salvation industry demanding 10 - 30% tithing without representation that is God approved in a climate of scandals, financial gluttony or patterns of deceitful non-disclosures. [Jeremiah 17:9]

A glare from stadium-sized LCD screens concealing doctrine manufacturing assembly lines, joint venture politics and taxation exempt jetliner accounting ledgers.  Expensive designer suits reflecting aggressive distribution of the Heaven line of products. [Matthew 21:12, 13] A diversified holding agenda dictating marketing campaigns that have included Hip Hope theology or practicing "meology" with spiritual direction from the "inner" God or "Higher Self." [Jeremiah 10:23]

For too many worshipers in the Salvation industry, a portable "inner" God has been a makeshift safeguard for survival.  A    large number of individuals confronted with overwhelming problems are fleeing to spiritual guidance from their "Higher Self."  Church members are burning incense avoiding the risk of counseling malpractice if US clergy have admitted to alarming percentages of their own self-crisis.  Among pastors surveyed were rates of 37.5% adultery (with a "flock" member), 70% depression and 49% disbelief in the literal resurrection of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. [John 19: 28 - 42 John 20: 11 - 29  Acts 24: 14 - 15 John 5:28 - 29].

US pastors not covering over stained glass windows, billboards or marquees because of spiritual shipwreck are gradually retiring in 5 - 9 years.  Hence, a small minority of exemplary "career" ministers remain to attempt reconciliation with recent industry franchise mergers with Islam--or "Chrislam" (Christianity with Islam).  That minority of loyal "career" reverends have been left to decide whether or not Jesus lied about the only Way.  Furthermore, they have been left to consider the fact that the Salvation industry has a checkered history of pressing Christians to take off the Helmet of Faith in order to put on a "hard hat" for reconstructing Matthew 7: 13 - 14.

Defunct clergy operations, abused or neglected congregations, IRS proof wallets and foreign doctrinal hybrids have sponsored You Tube Salvation Reform Ministry "channels." Passion 4 Christ, Ex-Ministries and Blaze 25Z have particularly struck faith chords in the hearts of thousands ranging from ages 16 - 35.  A number of other Christ spirit "channels" can be located on YouTube with its 800 million public users "right-clicking" 1 trillion viewing hours in 2011.

A majority of Christian based You Tube videos have been uploaded from living room web-cams.  Hundreds of preachers, evangelists, commentators, documentary producers and Church building whistle blowers comprise a virtual non-denominational Salvation Reform Ministry.  And without the frills of choirs, mimes or praise dancers, Internet Church is finding a certain authentic communion with the original spirit of the Holy Bible [John 4:24].  Above is a microscopic sampling of uploaded material.

Tithe or Die/Creflow Dollar  48,417 Views

Ex Ministries -- BET Gospel Awards : Truth Behind Hip Hop  13, 222 Views

Passion 4 Christ - Silence is Deadly [Witnessing Marching Orders]  222,926 Views 

You Tube delivered messages spark with reform controversy similar to that which Jesus Christ flared into the Mosaic religious system and "man-made" doctrines of its spiritual hierarchy (Pharisees).  At the age of 29, Jesus Christ was considered to be the enemy of Almighty God, Judaism and the Roman Empire.  Yet, in a fresh, dynamically unique manner, Christ continued preaching the undiluted "Truth" in "non-traditional" forums or settings.  Thus, Christ was promptly slandered with the charge of mental illness and demon possession . [Mark 3: 20 - 23].  Eventually, Jesus was, in effect, "excommunicated" and targeted for assassination just before wrongful indictment for a capital crime, resulting in death penalty at the age of 33 in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  Even after the resurrection of Jesus Christ to powerful Heavenly glory, conspirators denied the Messiah's importance in the Heart of the One who dispatched His beloved to urgent life saving, ordained ministry [Matthew 3:17  Philippians 2: 9 - 11]

To contemplate Jesus Christ is to observe that God-favored ministry does not require Church buildings, pulpits, LCD flat screens, book deals, CD's, limousines or invitations to White House.  To meditate on Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is to observe that Salvation Reform Ministry is actually Salvation Return Ministry--to the only Leader and Perfecter of our Christian Faith. [Psalm 22:16  John 20: 20, 25  Isaiah 53:9  Mark 15:43 - 46  Isaiah 53: 8  1Corinthians 15:3  Isaiah 53:12  Luke 23:34, 39 - 43, Romans 8:34]

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                         SILENCE IS DEADLY - PASSION 4 CHRIST 230,516 VIEWS


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I'm convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the [D]ay of Christ Jesus.  --Philippians 1:6

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                                                 Pastor Terri L. Twyman